

Canzoni sulla primavera in inglese per bambini

Un modo davvero divertente per aiutare i bambini ad apprendere l’inglese è insegnare loro delle canzoni così che, seguendo il ritmo, riescano a memorizzare nuove parole e ad arricchire il loro vocabolario. Ce ne sono di molto carine che parlano della primavera, per esaltare la rinascita della natura con tutti i suoi fiori e colori. Ecco il testo di uno spiritoso brano in inglese che s’intitola “Spring is here“:

“Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think I know?

I just saw a bluebird, that is how I know.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think we know?

We just saw a bluebird, that is how we know.

Do the bird walk and strut your thing.

Do the bird walk, flap your wings.

Do the bird walk, do anything.

And look around for another sign of spring.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think I know?

I just saw a bee, that is how I know.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think we know?

We just saw a bee, that is how we know.

Do the bee walk and strut your thing.

Do the bee walk, flap your wings.

Do the bee walk, do anything.

And look around for another sign of spring.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think I know?

I just saw a ladybug, that is how I know.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think we know?

We just saw a ladybug, that is how we know.

Do the ladybug walk and strut your thing.

Do the ladybug walk, flap your wings.

Do the ladybug walk, do anything.

And look around for another sign of spring.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think I know?

I just saw a butterfly, that is how I know.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think we know?

We just saw a butterfly, that is how we know.

Do the butterfly walk and strut your thing.

Do the butterfly walk, flap your wings.

Do the butterfly walk, do anything.

And look around for another sign of spring.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think I know?

I just saw a frog, that is how I know.

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think we know?

We just saw a frog, that is how we know.

Do the frog jump and strut your thing.

Do the frog jump, badda bing.

Do the frog jump, do anything.

And look around for another sign of spring.

Wait! There’s some mosquitos!

Alright frogs, tongues out,

here we go. There’s another one.

Tongues out. ”

Potreste anche insegnare ai vostri piccoli quest’altra bella filastrocca musicale, il titolo è “Spring time“:

“My- eyes can see it’s spring-time, it’s spring-time, it’s spring-time.

my- eyes can see it’s spring-time, the grass is so green!

The green grass, the flowers, the sunshine and showers.

My- eyes can see it’s spring-time and I am so glad.

My-ears can hear it’s spring time, it’s spring time, it’s spring time.

My- ears can hear it’s spring-time, the birds sweetly sing.

The birds sing, the lambs bleat, the frogs croak, the bees buzz.

My- ears can hear it’s spring time, and I am so glad.

My-body can feel’s it’s spring time, it’s spring time, it’s spring time.

my-body can feel its spring time, the air is so warm.

The warm air, the breez-es, no frost and no freez-es.

My- body can feel it’s spring time, and I am so glad!”

Scritto da Antonietta Zazzara
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